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Other Names: Request for Marriage Documents
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What is a Marriage Certificate Request Letter?

A Marriage Certificate Request Letter can get you a copy of your marriage certificate, whether you got married last week or fifty years ago. If you're considering changing your name or updating your passport, you may need proof of your marriage. You can get a copy of your certificate from the agency where you filed your license with a Marriage Certificate Request Letter. 
A Marriage Certificate Request Letter can formally prove that you've gotten married. Whether you need a copy to replace an original, take care of official business, or just want an extra for your records; getting an extra copy can be relatively easy and inexpensive. It can be a good idea to have an extra copy on hand, but you need to request it first. Sending a Marriage Certificate Request Letter is your first step to getting an official copy of your marriage certificate.

When to use a Marriage Certificate Request Letter:

  • You need a copy of your marriage certificate.
  • You need proof of marriage for a name change or legal purposes.

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Re: Request for Marriage Certificate



Please forward to my attention certified marriage certificate for and . I am whose record is being requested.


To assist you in locating the requested I am providing the following information:


Date of Marriage:


This certificate is being requested


Enclosed is in the amount of for the requested at the above address I can be contacted by phone at . I may be contact by e-mail at . A fax can be sent to . Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.








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